
Health and Safety

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Office Safety Online Training Course

Office Safety

This Office Safety online training course is designed for employees working in an office. This course explores working in an office and how to manage common office hazards. This course will help you reduce the risk of workplace injury by discussing how to prevent common office hazards by following safety procedures.
Opioids – Use and Misuse Online Training Course

Opioids – Use and Misuse

This Opioids – Use and Misuse online training course is designed for employees in all industries. In this course, you will learn about: what opioids are; their uses and effects; opioid dependence, addiction and overdose; workplace concerns about opioids; and what employers can do to mitigate the effects of workplace opioid use and misuse.
PCI Compliance for Retail and Service Industries Online Training  Course

PCI Compliance for Retail and Service Industries

This PCI Compliance for Retail and Service Industries online training course is designed for retail and service industry business owners, IT managers and security managers. Most financial transactions are done by either debit or credit card. All of these transactions involve some level of electronic data transfer and storage, which creates opportunities for cyberthieves. This course provides an overview of what companies that handle credit card payments need to do to comply with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS).
Personal Protective Equipment Online Training Course

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

This Personal Protective Equipment online training course is designed for Employers, supervisors, and workers in the construction and general industry. More than one-quarter of all disabling injuries involve the head, eyes, hands, or feet. Personal protective equipment, or PPE, is designed to protect you from those health and safety hazards that cannot practically be removed from your immediate work environment. This course covers OSHA’s Standard on Personal Protective Equipment; particularly Subpart 1, sections 1910.34 through 1910.38 of OSHA’s Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry.
Pipeline Construction Safety Overview Online Training Course

Pipeline Construction Safety Overview

This Pipeline Construction Safety Overview online training course is designed for workers involved in pipeline construction. Learn about the rights and responsibilities of everyone at the worksite, the steps in pipeline construction, the hazards of different types of pipeline construction work, and the ways to identify and minimize the associated risks.
	Reasonable Suspicion of Impairment in the Workplace Online Training Course

Reasonable Suspicion of Impairment in the Workplace

This Reasonable Suspicion of Impairment in the Workplace online training course is designed for managers, supervisors, and employees in safety-sensitive industries such as construction, mining, transportation and aviation, and in safety-sensitive positions in all industries. Learn about the causes, symptoms and consequences of impairment, the value and content of a workplace impairment policy, the steps to take if you observe someone in the workplace who appears to be impaired, and options for drug testing.
Reducing Mental Health Stigma in the Workplace Online Training Course

Reducing Mental Health Stigma in the Workplace

This Reducing Mental Health Stigma in the Workplace online training course is designed for employers, managers, supervisors, and all employees. Reducing the stigma around mental health opens opportunities for those experiencing it to talk about it and seek help. On a personal level, individuals have better health outcomes. As employees, individuals with better mental health are more productive and participate in a greater capacity within the workplace.
Cours de formation en ligne Remuement du sol (niveau II)

Remuement du sol (niveau II)

Ce cours de formation en ligne Remuement du sol (niveau II) a été conçu pour les employés qui exercent une fonction de supervision dans le secteur des pipelines et d'autres entreprises de services publics, ainsi que dans les entreprises qui entreprennent des activités de remuement du sol. Les coups portés aux installations souterraines existantes peuvent entraîner des problèmes. Dans ce cours, vous apprendrez la planification, la préparation, l'exécution et l'achèvement des projets de remuement du sol efficacement et en toute sécurité.
Cours de formation en ligne Répondre aux situations comportant des risques et aux incidents de harcèlement et de violence dans les lieux de travail sous réglementation fédérale (CCT II)

Répondre aux situations comportant des risques et aux incidents de harcèlement et de violence dans les lieux de travail sous réglementation fédérale (CCT II)

Ce cours de formation en ligne Répondre aux situations comportant des risques et aux incidents de harcèlement et de violence dans les lieux de travail sous réglementation fédérale (CCT II) a été conçu pour les employeurs et les employés des organisations sous réglementation fédérale. Dans ce cours, nous examinerons les enquêtes, l'enregistrement et le signalement des événements comportant des risques; et l’enregistrement, le signalement et les actions à prendre suite à des incidents de harcèlement et de violence.
Respirator Selection, Use and Care Online Training Course

Respirator Selection, Use and Care [Canada]

This Respirator Selection, Use and Care online training course is designed for employees who use respirators in their work. Respiratory protection is a crucial aspect of workplace safety. When exposure to respiratory hazards cannot be avoided or effectively controlled through other methods such as elimination or engineering controls, respirators are necessary. In this course, you will learn about the uses and limitations of different types of respirators, user health requirements, fit testing, proper use and care, and using respirators in emergency situations.
Responding to Hazardous Occurrences and Occurrences of Harassment and Violence in Federally Regulated Workplaces (CLC II) Online Training Course

Responding to Hazardous Occurrences and Occurrences of Harassment and Violence in Federally Regulated Workplaces (CLC II)

This Responding to Hazardous Occurrences and Occurrences of Harassment and Violence in Federally Regulated Workplaces (CLC II) online training course is designed for employers and employees in federally regulated organizations. Learn about legal requirements for: investigating, recording, and reporting accidents and hazardous occurrences; and recording, reporting, and responding to occurrences of harassment and violence.
Cours de formation en ligne Retour au travail et mesures d'adaptation

Retour au travail et mesures d'adaptation

Ce cours de formation en ligne Retour au travail et mesures d'adaptation a été conçu pour les gestionnaires et les employés qui occupent un rôle de supervision. Les absences des employés résultant d'une blessure ou d'une maladie constituent un défi pour les employeurs et les employés. Il est dans l'intérêt de tous que les employés reprennent le travail dès qu'ils le peuvent. Dans ce cours, vous apprendrez quelles sont les responsabilités des employeurs, des employés et des autres parties prenantes dans les cas de retour au travail, ainsi que les mesures d'adaptation possibles.
Return to Work and Accommodation Online Training Course

Return to Work and Accommodation

This Return to Work and Accommodation online training course is designed for managers and supervisors. Employee absences resulting from injury or illness are a challenge for both the employer and the employee. It is to everyone’s benefit for employees to return to work as soon as they are able. In this course, you will learn about the responsibilities of employers, employees, and other stakeholders in return-to-work cases, as well as accommodation considerations.
Safe Driving [Canada] Online Training Course

Safe Driving [Canada]

This Safe Driving online training course is designed to help drivers of all ages understand many of the factors which can help ensure a safe driving experience in most circumstances. This course is primarily focused on skills you, the driver will need to become a successful, attentive, and efficient driver.
Safety Attitudes and Actions Online Training Course

Safety Attitudes and Actions

This Safety Attitudes and Actions online training course was designed for all employees. This course discusses how to develop safety awareness in the workplace and helps you understand how your attitude can be a critical factor in accident prevention. This course covers safety attitudes, safety audits, accident prevention, P.P.E., back care, working with electricity, mental alertness, and injury treatment.
Safety from Bloodborne Pathogens for Retail Employees [Canada] Online Training Course

Safety from Bloodborne Pathogens for Retail Employees [Canada]

This Safety from Bloodborne Pathogens for Retail Employees [Canada] online training course is designed for retail employees. While working in retail, you might be accidentally exposed to contaminated blood in your day-to-day duties. You should be aware of the plans your store has to reduce the likelihood of such an incident. If you are accidentally exposed, you should also be aware of the plans your store has to contain such an emergency.
Safety in Bloodborne Pathogens for Canadian Employees Online Training Course

Safety in Bloodborne Pathogens for Canadian Employees

This Safety in Bloodborne Pathogens for Canadian Employees online training course is designed for employees in Canadian workplaces where there may be a risk of exposure to bloodborne diseases. This course will show you how exposure to bloodborne pathogens occurs, provide guidelines for protecting yourself and others and how to handle a contamination emergency.
Safety in Fire Prevention Online Training Course

Safety in Fire Prevention

This Safety in Fire Prevention online training course provides basic information on the precautions and procedures necessary for fire protection and safety in the workplace. This course will cover topics including fire prevention techniques, the types and classes of fires and fire extinguishers, and first aid procedures for dealing with fire-related injuries.
Cours de formation en ligne Sécurité dans la prévention des incendies

Sécurité dans la prévention des incendies

Ce cours de formation en ligne Sécurité dans la prévention des incendies a été conçu pour tous les employés. Ce cours fournit des informations de base sur les précautions et les procédures nécessaires pour la protection contre les incendies et la sécurité sur le lieu de travail. Les sujets abordés comprennent les techniques de prévention des incendies, les types et les classes de feux et d’extincteurs, ainsi que les procédures de premiers soins pour traiter les blessures liées aux incendies.
Cours de formation en ligne Sécurité des mains et prévention des blessures

Sécurité des mains et prévention des blessures

Ce cours de formation en ligne Sécurité des mains et prévention des blessures a été conçu pour les employés du commerce de détail, de la construction et de l'industrie. Ce cours examinera les différents types de couteaux à lames rétractables disponibles, leurs utilisations, avantages et inconvénients, comment les entretenir et comment les utiliser en toute sécurité pour éviter les blessures aux mains et aux doigts.
Cours de formation en ligne Sensibilisation au remuement du sol

Sensibilisation au remuement du sol

Ce cours de formation en ligne Sensibilisation au remuement du sol a été conçu pour les employés des entreprises de pipelines et d'autres services publics, ainsi que pour les entreprises impliquées dans des projets d'excavation et de construction. Le fait de heurter des installations enterrées existantes peut entraîner toute une série de problèmes. Dans ce cours, vous apprendrez des façons sûres et efficaces d'entreprendre des projets de remuement du sol, sans endommager les infrastructures existantes.
Silica Awareness Online Training Course

Silica Awareness

This Silica Awareness online training course is designed for employees in construction, manufacturing, mining and quarrying and agriculture. Learn about the health hazards of exposure to silica in various industries and occupations. Learn to identify worksites and activities with silica hazards, control methods and best practices for working safely around silica.
Cours de formation en ligne SIMDUT


Ce cours de formation en ligne SIMDUT a été conçu pour tous les employés au Canada qui travaillent avec des produits chimiques dangereux ou qui pourraient y être exposés sur le lieu de travail. Dans ce cours, nous allons décrire le Système d’information sur les matières dangereuses en milieu de travail – SIMDUT – ainsi que la façon de le mettre efficacement en pratique à votre travail. Le SIMDUT est aligné avec la norme mondiale, le Système général harmonisé de classification et d’étiquetage des produits chimiques (ou SGH). Nous allons également décrire les règles et formats de ce système pour la gestion des produits dangereux.
Cours de formation en ligne SIMDUT pour le personnel de bureau

SIMDUT pour le personnel de bureau

Ce cours de formation en ligne SIMDUT pour le personnel de bureau a été conçu pour les employés de bureau qui sont ou peuvent être exposés à des matières dangereuses au travail. Lorsque les gens pensent aux matières dangereuses, ils ont tendance à penser aux environnements industriels. Cependant, des produits chimiques dangereux sont également présents dans les bureaux : dans les produits de nettoyage, toner d'imprimante, peintures et adhésifs, pour n'en citer que quelques-uns. Dans ce cours, vous en apprendrez plus sur les classes et catégories de dangers, les pictogrammes, les étiquettes et les fiches de données de sécurité (FDS) du SIMDUT.
Slips, Trips and Falls Online Training Course

Slips, Trips and Falls

This Slips, Trips and Falls online training course is designed for all employers, supervisors, and workers. In this course we will review guidelines for avoiding slip, trip and fall accidents. We will talk about what employers and employees can do to reduce the risk of accidents and look at how good housekeeping practices contribute to workplace safety. This course includes OSHA 2017 Subpart D Walking and Working Surfaces Final Rule Implementation.
Cours de formation en ligne Soupçon raisonnable de facultés affaiblies en milieu de travail

Soupçon raisonnable de facultés affaiblies en milieu de travail

Ce cours de formation en ligne Soupçon raisonnable de facultés affaiblies en milieu de travail est conçu pour les gestionnaires, les superviseurs et les employés travaillant dans les industries où la sécurité est critique telles que la construction, l'exploitation minière, le transport et l'aviation, et ceux qui occupent des postes critiques sur le plan de la sécurité dans toutes les industries. Renseignez-vous sur les causes, les symptômes et les conséquences des facultés affaiblies, l’importance et le contenu d'une politique sur les facultés affaiblies au travail, les mesures à prendre si vous observez une personne sur le lieu de travail qui semble avoir les facultés affaiblies et les options de dépistage de drogue.
Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG) Online Training Course

Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG)

This Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG) online training course is designed for employees in the transportation and chemical industries who transport and manage dangerous goods. In order to minimize the risks associated with transporting dangerous goods, and to keep the public and the environment safe, everyone involved in the shipping of dangerous goods must learn about and follow the requirements of the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act and the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations.
Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG): Overview Online Training Course

Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG): Overview

This Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG): Overview online training course is designed for companies, supervisors, or employees dealing with transporting dangerous goods. This course provides an overview of the responsibilities of employers, consignors, carriers, and consignees under the TDG Regulations, as well as the requirements for classifying products, required documentation, the use of safety marks, and emergency reporting.
Cours de formation en ligne Troubles musculo-squelettiques en milieu de travail

Troubles musculo-squelettiques en milieu de travail

Ce cours de formation en ligne Troubles musculo-squelettiques en milieu de travail a été conçu pour les employeurs, les gestionnaires et les employés. Dans ce cours, vous examinerons ce que sont les troubles musculo-squelettiques, les facteurs de risque pour leur développement en milieu de travail, les types de travaux et les conditions de travail où ils sont les plus courants, les techniques de prévention et les méthodes de traitement.
WHMIS Online Training Course


This WHMIS online training course is designed for all employees in Canada who work with or could be exposed to hazardous chemicals in the workplace. In this course, we will describe the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System – WHMIS – and how to effectively apply it at your work. WHMIS is aligned with the worldwide standard, the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (or GHS). We will describe this system’s rules and formats for managing hazardous products.
WHMIS Curso de formación en línea

WHMIS (en español)

Este curso de formación en línea de WHMIS está diseñado para todos los empleados de Canadá que trabajan con productos químicos peligrosos o que podrían estar expuestos a ellos en el lugar de trabajo. En este curso describiremos el Sistema de Información de Materiales Peligrosos en el Lugar de Trabajo (o WHMIS) y explicaremos cómo aplicarlo de manera efectiva en su trabajo. WHMIS está alineado con la norma mundial, el Sistema Globalmente Armonizado de Clasificación y Etiquetado de Productos Químicos (SGA). Describiremos las reglas y formatos de este sistema para la gestión de productos peligrosos.
WHMIS ((In Ukrainian) Online Training Course

WHMIS (In Ukrainian)

This WHMIS online training course is designed for all employees in Canada who work with or could be exposed to hazardous chemicals in the workplace. In this course, we will describe the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System – WHMIS – and how to effectively apply it at your work. WHMIS is aligned with the worldwide standard, the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (or GHS). We will describe this system’s rules and formats for managing hazardous products.
WHMIS for Office Staff Online Training Course

WHMIS for Office Staff

This WHMIS for Office Staff online training course is designed for office employees who are or may be exposed to hazardous materials at work. When people think of hazardous materials, they tend to think of industrial settings. However, hazardous chemicals are present in offices too – in cleaning supplies, printer toner, paints and adhesives - to name a few. In this course, you will learn about WHMIS hazard classes and categories, pictograms, labels and safety data sheets (SDSs).
WHMIS Refresher Online Training Course

WHMIS Refresher

This WHMIS Refresher online training course is designed for employees who are or may be exposed to hazardous materials at work. In this course, we will provide a refresher on the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System – WHMIS – and how to effectively apply it at your work. The systems described in this training are required federally and enforced in each province or territory by jurisdictional government departments or agencies responsible for occupational health and safety.
Working in the Cold Online Training Course

Working in the Cold

This Working in the Cold online training course is designed for employees who work in cold temperatures. Whether you work in outdoor construction, agriculture, emergency services, or any other field that exposes you to the cold, you may be at risk of cold stress. Learn about: cold-induced injury and illnesses; environmental and personal factors that affect a worker’s ability to tolerate the cold; and strategies to protect workers in cold environments.
Working in the Heat Online Training Course

Working in the Heat

This Working in the Heat online training course is designed for employees who work outdoors in hot weather or in high-temperature indoor settings and their managers and supervisors. Learn about how heat affects people, the different illnesses caused by exposure to excessive heat and how to prevent or treat them, legal requirements for protecting workers from heat stress, guidance on working at higher apparent temperatures, and developing workplace policies to address heat exposure.
Young Worker Safety Orientation Online Training Course

Young Worker Safety Orientation

This Young Worker Safety Orientation online training course outlines what young workers need to know about health and safety legislation, the rights and responsibilities of employers, supervisors, and workers as set out in occupational health and safety legislation, the types of workplace hazards young workers may encounter, and protective measures that should be taken to ensure everyone in a workplace is safe.
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